Thursday, January 31, 2008

McCain: One Degree of Separation from Corrupt Hudson County NJ Dems

John McCain has tried to present himself as an outsider, not a Washington insider. Well, Washington DC is a bit above the pay grade of this country lawyer from Peapack-Gladstone NJ. I can say, however, that today's endorsements put him squarely in the Trenton Insider category.

The county chairmen who fled the sinking USS Giuliani are the ultimate GOP machine politicians. They are hardly reformers and are really non-ideological. Hudson County GOP Chairman Arango is a Deputy Mayor in a corrupt Jersey City DEMOCRAT Mayor's office. Indeed, Chairman Arango has donated Hudson County GOP funds to the Mayoral Campaign Warchest of JC Mayor Jerry Healy. Mayor Healy is also the Chairman of the Hudson County Democratic Organization. Hudson County, a Democrat fiefdom for ninety years, is polluted, crowded and corrupt.

That is just one of the New Jersey GOP leaders that has endorsed Senator McCain.

Super Bowl and Presidential Trivia, Part One

The confluence of the presidential contests and the Super Bowl this week lead me to ask a couple of appropriate trivia questions. The answers will be posted tomorrow.

Question One: There are four universities that have produced both a Super Bowl winning Quarterback and a US President. Can you name them?

Question Two: As it now stands it is possible that one state, Massachussets, could produce both the Super Bowl champion and the winner of the presidential election in the same year. It has happened once before in the Super Bowl era. What state produced a Super Bowl champion and a presidential victor in the same year?

I am sure that the Romney supporters will take the high road and try to reason this one out. For you Hillary Clinton supporters, at least try to think it out before looking it up online.


Meet the Huckster
GOP candidate makes Núñez look saintly

December 3, 2007

Nearly two years into history's longest presidential campaign, Americans have already heard a bit about the pros and a lot about the cons of all the major candidates. On the Republican side, the desperate attempts of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and ex-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney to redefine themselves as social conservatives are old news. So are concerns about Arizona Sen. John McCain's age and temperament, and about former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson's phlegmatic campaign style.

So when the spotlight finally settled on a fresh face – Mike Huckabee, an affable, successful former Arkansas governor without a penchant for flip-flopping – no wonder he zoomed up the polls.

Unfortunately for Huckabee, the positive first impression he often makes fades when you learn more about him. He may have been a solid steward in his 14 years as lieutenant governor and governor in Arkansas. But he also showed an enthusiasm for parlaying his public office into a cushy lifestyle that makes Fabian NÚñez, California's similarly inclined Assembly speaker, look like a Boy Scout.

Over the years, Huckabee has:

Used campaign funds to pay himself $14,000 for being his own media consultant.

Used campaign funds to pay himself $43,000 for use of his private plane while attempting to hide what the payment was actually in return for.

Used an account set up to cover operational costs of the governor's mansion to pay such obviously personal expenses as fast-food and dry-cleaning bills.

Set up a nonprofit organization that paid him $23,500 without disclosing the source of the money.

Attempted to take $70,000 of furniture with him when moving out of the governor's mansion.

Took more than 130 gifts worth more than $300,000 – while suing to overturn a law that made him disclose the gifts.

We could go on in this vein, but space is limited. The bottom line: Mike Huckabee has an awful lot of explaining to do. And neither voters nor the national media should let the man Arkansas journalists call the “Huckster” get away with pretending that tough questions over his tawdry ethics record amount to mudslinging.

Who Benefits from John Edwards WIthdrawal?

Former U.S. Senator from North Carolina, John Edwards has suspended his campaign for the Democrat Party's nomination for President of the United States. The press are all asking today: Who benefits from his withdrawal?


Senator Edwards could have been a very dangerous candidate in the general election. His base in the Carolinas had the potential to turn the electoral map on its ear. Republicans have relied on a solid south to win the White House. Edwards could have put that in play. He is charismatic and very articulate. While he did not garner enough insider support to win the nomination, he is clearly very capable of fooling a lot of people with his charm.

If nominated, he could have won. And that would have been a total disaster for the country. He is one of the leading global warming alarmists. He is the leader of the plaintiff's bar. While everyone deserves an attorney and injured people should be compensated when injured by the negligence of another, he stands for something different: Huge class actions that scare the daylights out of legitimate business and local government. Huge class actions and medical malpractice cases cause higher insurance rates, higher healthcare costs, higher taxes and yes, decreased civil rights.

He charmed the pants off of many a jury and could charm the pants off of the electorate in a general election. So, who benefits from his withdrawal: EVERYONE.

Is this the type of warming hype that McCain supports?

Senator McCain has worked closely with the liberals in the Democratic Party on "Global Warming" legislation. This legislation, which would have marginal benefit to the enviroment would drastically hurt the U.S. economy. Former President Bill Clinton made some surprisingly frank admissions while trying to appeal to (pander to) the green voters in a speech yesterday. President Clinton said:

"Everybody knows that global warming is real," Mr. Clinton said, giving a shout-out to Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize, "but we cannot solve it alone."

"And maybe America, and Europe, and Japan, and Canada -- the rich counties -- would say, 'OK, we just have to slow down our economy and cut back our greenhouse gas emissions 'cause we have to save the planet for our grandchildren.' We could do that.

"But if we did that, you know as well as I do, China and India and Indonesia and Vietnam and Mexico and Brazil and the Ukraine, and all the other countries will never agree to stay poor to save the planet for our grandchildren. The only way we can do this is if we get back in the world's fight against global warming and prove it is good economics that we will create more jobs to build a sustainable economy that saves the planet for our children and grandchildren. It is the only way it will work.

"And guess what? The only places in the world today in rich countries where you have rising wages and declining inequality are places that have generated more jobs than rich countries because they made a commitment we didn't. They got serious about a clean, efficient, green, independent energy future… If you want that in America, if you want the millions of jobs that will come from it, if you would like to see a new energy trust fund to finance solar energy and wind energy and biomass and responsible bio-fuels and electric hybrid plug-in vehicles that will soon get 100 miles a gallon, if you want every facility in this country to be made maximally energy efficient that will create millions and millions and millions of jobs, vote for her. She'll give it to you. She's got the right energy plan."


Mitt Romney for President, by John Ginty

Mitt Romney for President
In the New Jersey Republican Primary, Tuesday, February 5, 2008

John P. Ginty
Chairman, Republicans for Conservative Leadership
January 31, 2008

Mitt Romney deserves the support of all dedicated New Jersey conservatives on February 5, 2008. If New Jersey conservatives rally to Romney’s cause, we can defeat John McCain and propel Romney towards the presidential nomination and victory next November. This is now a two-man race and conservatives and pro-lifers must make a decision: either support Romney now or allow McCain to coast to victory as conservative votes are split between Romney and uckabee. Huckabee cannot win, and he now solely exists to run interference for McCain and hinder Romney.

Please circulate this outline to friends and colleagues by email, in but one small effort to generate as much grassroots support as possible for Romney on Tuesday. Together, we can do our part to re-assemble the Reagan Coalition here in New Jersey. Romney is the only candidate at this point who can hold that coalition together.

Most of those reading this brief outline are familiar with the basic facts involved in the Republican primary race thus far, so the following is a summary of main points supporting the candidacy of Mitt Romney over McCain. The outline is not exhaustive. Several of these points are particular to those of us living in the Garden State.

Life Issues

Reasons to support Mitt Romney

· A recent convert to the pro-life cause, but sincere in his overtures to the pro-life movement and its members
· Opposes the unconstitutional “McCain-Feingold” law
· A pro-life candidate who will be open to further pro-life education concerning the embryonic stem cell research issue

Reasons to oppose John McCain

· McCain’s best political friends are leaders in the pro-abortion movement, such as Joe Lieberman, Ted Kennedy, Christie Whitman and Arlen Specter
· McCain sponsored the unconstitutional, infamous, phony McCain-Feingold “campaign finance” law, against the pleas of pro-life activists and other conservative grassroots groups
· Consistently campaigns for pro-abortion, liberal politicians such as Arlen Specter, Christie Whitman, and Arnold Schwarzenegger
· Senator Rick Santorum says that McCain consistently opposed bringing pro-life legislation to the Senate floor because he (McCain) believes that pro-life legislation is “too divisive”.
· Supports federal funding of embryonic stem cell research and is not open to compromise on the issue

The Courts

Reasons to Support Mitt Romney:

· Romney pledges to appoint justices to the US Supreme Court in the mold of Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalia

Reasons to oppose John McCain:

· Says he would not appoint a Supreme Court Justice like Samuel Alito because Alito “wears his conservatism his sleeve.”
· Leader in the infamous US Senate “Gang of 14” which joined seven liberal Democrats and seven liberal Republicans, including McCain, to obstruct President Bush’s ability to get up or down votes on judicial nominees on the floor of the US Senate

The War Against Radical Islam

Reasons to support Mitt Romney:

· Romney will keep the imprisoned terrorist thugs off US soil and in Guantanomo and other facilities outside of the territorial USA for as long as necessary
· Romney has pledged to win the war in Iraq, despite McCain’s phony charge that Romney favored “timetables to withdraw” US troops.

Reasons to oppose John McCain:

· McCain wants to close Guantanamo Bay prison
· McCain wants the terrorist detainees currently imprisoned at Guantanamo to be transported to US Territory where they will be provided with ACLU lawyers paid for by US taxpayers
· McCain has damaged US intelligence operations by self-righteously making a political issue out of “water boarding” and other interrogation methods
· Opposes military tribunals for Guantanamo detainees
· Wants the US taxpayer to provide expensive left-wing lawyers to assist all captured terrorist detainees
· McCain lies about Romney’s commitment to win the war in Iraq

Radical Environmentalism

Reasons to support Mitt Romney:

· Romney opposes Al Gore’s radical environmental agenda, which if implemented will damage the US economy
· Romney supports allowing US oil companies to explore for oil in the designated exploration areas in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

Reasons to oppose John McCain:

· McCain is allied with Al Gore and Rosie O’Donnell and has bought into the “Global Warming” scare
· McCain, together with his buddy and potential Secretary of Defense Joe Lieberman, supports federal government mandated “cap and trade” of CO2 emissions which will damage the US economy, kill US jobs, and accelerate China’s relative economic progress to the detriment of US workers
· McCain opposes drilling for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), even as the price of oil has reached and exceeded $100 per barrel

Big Government

Reasons to support Mitt Romney:

· Opposes McCain’s hare-brained anti-global warming schemes
· Opposes giving the UN control over the US economy via “Global Solutions” advanced by John McCain to the unproven “Climate change” phenomenon.

Reasons to oppose John McCain:

· Favors the UN-sponsored Kyoto Protocol limiting the generation of “greenhouse gases”, which will damage the US economy, slow US economic growth, destroy jobs in the name of phony pseudo-science, and endanger US national security


Reasons to support Mitt Romney:

· Pledges to make the Bush tax cuts permanent
· Supports making interest earnings and dividend income tax-free for middle class taxpayers
· Supports lowering capital gains taxes
· Supports abolition of the regressive “Death Tax”

Reasons to oppose John McCain:

· Voted against the Bush tax cuts in 2001 along with only one other Republican senator: Lincoln Chaffee
· Opposed repeal of the “Death Tax” in 2002
· Supported a $1.10 per pack cigarette tax hike sponsored by Democrat Tom Daschle in 1998

Conservative New Jersey Supporters of Mitt Romney

· Jay Webber - assemblyman
· Joe Kyrillos - state senator
· Guy Gregg - former state assemblyman
· Dick Kamin – former assemblyman
· Leonard Lance – state senator
· John Rooney – state assemblyman

Liberal New Jersey Supporters of John McCain

· Christie Whitman
· Tom Kean, Sr. – former governor
· Bill Baroni – state senator
· David Russo – assemblyman
· Bob Franks – former congressman and current Corzine buddy leading the charge to increase New Jersey’s debt by $40 BILLION with unlimited toll hikes over the next 75 years!

Illegal Immigration

Reasons to support Mitt Romney:

· Supports legal immigration and opposes McCain’s massive amnesty scheme for the 30 million illegals already in the USA
· Supports construction of the border security fence

Reasons to oppose John McCain:

· Sponsored the “McCain-Kennedy” amnesty law
· Opposes the border security fence


Romney's endorsements from conservative media and opposition from liberal media:

· Endorsed by National Review magazine
· Opposed by The New York Times

McCain's endorsements from liberal media:

· Endorsed by The New York Times
· Endorsed by both of Boston’s liberal newspapers

Wake Up, New Jersey!!!
For America, please support Gov. Mitt Romney in the New Jersey Republican Presidential Primary on Tuesday, February 5, 2008.

Straight Talk? by Sean M. Connelly, Esq.

This is re-printed with the permission of Sean Connelly, conservative political activist and former Corporation Counsel for the City of Jersey City under Mayor Bret Schundler:

"You all know why I've decided to support Mitt Romney for President after Fred Thompson withdrew. Romney reflects most closely those values that drew me to Fred in the first place. Since then, my feelings have intensified to a point that in addition to supporting Romney on the merits, I must admit that I must now state that in addition to being pro-Romney, I am decidedly anti McCain.

"Consider that during the Iowa Caucus, a wild and damaging rumor was out that Thompson was to fold and endorse McCain. Recall also that on primary day in South Carolina rumor was that Fred Thompson again was to fold and endorse McCain. I ask you, who would tell these lies and who stood to benefit?

"Then last weekend, it came to light that on the eve of the Florida primary, McCain told gross lies about Romney's position on the war. Since Romney's position is made very clear from several sources, but in particular a televised interview, which McCain cited in his remarks, it can only be concluded that McCain's deception was made knowingly and wilfully.

"Now some may say that this was a shrewd political maneuver, but I say it is dishonest,dishonorable and certainly not the sort of character we want in our leader.

"Straight Talk? The litany of deceptions and lies against Thompson when he was the man for McCain to beat; then the lies against Romney when he was the man to beat puts McCain in company with the Clintons, and isn't that what we are trying to rid our country of in the first place?

"McCain surely does not deserve our support as conservatives and seeing that just like the Clintons he'll stoop to any depths to get his way (while destroying the Republican party), he ought not get our support on the honesty issue.In this regard,he gets a dishonorable discharge.

"I cannot end without asking you again to give your support to Mitt Romney. Otherwise we are faced with Clinton or "Clinton-lite"


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

All Eyes on the Sunshine State

Heading into the finish line in the Sunshine State sweepstakes, the contenders are running neck and neck.

The polling data indicates that Gov. Huckabee has fallen out of contention for Florida's winner-take-all GOP primary. Indeed, he is campaigning in Georgia and other Super Tuesday states instead of campaigning in Florida.

The polling data also indicates that former frontrunner and inevitable nominee Mayor Rudy Giuliani has fallen out of the stakes. However, there are other indicators that he may still be in the hunt. He has a good organization in Florida, and has been campaigning as if his career depends on it (it does). The organizational aspect of the race is especially important in Florida because of the early voting. A strong grassroots effort can boost early voting numbers for a candidate. Rudy remains a darkhorse.

The race is probably between Mitt and McCain.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Assemblyman Carroll Endorses Mitt!!

Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll represents New Jersey's 25th Legislative District, which is one of the most conservative areas in the state. The 25th covers heavily Republican Western Morris County. It is probably the second or third most Republican district in the state. Mike is one of the undisputed leaders of the conservative wing of the Republican Party in New Jersey.

To those of you in more heavily Republican states, an endorsement from an Assebmlyman might not mean much, but you have to know Mike Carroll to know how much this means.

His voting record on free enterprise issues as measured by the National Federation of Independent Business is one hundred per cent. He is one New Jersey Republican who does not have to have the concept of less government, less regulation, lower taxes and lower spending explained to him. He explains those concepts very eloquently for the rest of us.

His leadership on pro-life issues is unquestioned here in New Jersey. He never makes excuses. He never apologizes for doing the right thing. He just does it, and stands by his vote.

Today Assemblyman Mike Carroll endorsed Mitt Romney for President.

Fred's support is heading to Mitt!

While Fred didn't garner enough votes to stay in the race for the Republican nomination, there were nevertheless hundreds of thousands of Fred supporters nationwide. Based on my experience, these are strong, principled individuals who care about:

(a) small government
(b) appointment of strict constructionist jurists
(c) lower taxes
(d) strong national defense
(e) securing the borders
(f) family values

Once our standard bearer bowed out, we needed to find a home. The trend in the polling suggests that the preponderance of Fred supporters are heading to Team Mitt. Fred dropped out of the race last Monday. Since that time, Mitt has steadily risen in the Rasmussen Daily Tracking poll from third at 19% to a virtual tie for first with Senator McCain.

This is consistent with a private poll of likely primary GOP primary voters in New Jersey. Former Fred supporters were polled. Of those supporters, the most - 30% - were going to Mitt. Oddly enough, only 4% of former Fred supporters in NJ were going to go to Senator McCain.

So the anticipated matchup between the Rockefeller Republicans and the Reagan Republicans will be between John McCain and Mitt Romney.
He has surged ahead in

Friday, January 25, 2008

Welcome to Fred Heads for Mitt!

This is the successor blog to NJ Supports Fred. It is an independent blog, not financed by any campaign.

Fred Thompson has left the presidential race. Like the stand up guy that he is, he followed through on his words. He had stated that unless he achieved a strong finish in South Carolina, he would leave the race. And the word has come from Fred: He does not want to dictate to whom his followers should go. It is his desire for Fred Heads to decide for themselves.

In the days following Fred's withdrawal, a trend has started to emerge. Here in New Jersey, a very interesting poll found that the lion's share of Fred's support in New Jersey is heading toward Mitt Romney. At the same time, the leadership group of the Friends of Fred Thompson - NJ have endorsed Mitt Romney.

Former Assemblyman Guy Gregg led the charge. Guy is one of the most articulate conservatives anywhere. He spoke eloquently on Fred's behalf at the Middlesex GOP Convention and the Conservatives with Attitude! straw poll. To Guy, it is a no-brainer: Mitt Romney is the best and most reliable conservative in the race.

Former Jersey City Corporate Counsel Sean Connelly remarked: Mitt Romney represents the best hope of the remaining candidates to unite the Reagan coalition.

Donald O'Sullivan agrees, noting that we will continue our fight for the heart and soul of the Republican Party by throwing our support to Mitt Romney.

In the coming weeks, we will examine why Fred Heads and conservatives everywhere are throwing their support behind Mitt Romney.