Thursday, January 31, 2008

Straight Talk? by Sean M. Connelly, Esq.

This is re-printed with the permission of Sean Connelly, conservative political activist and former Corporation Counsel for the City of Jersey City under Mayor Bret Schundler:

"You all know why I've decided to support Mitt Romney for President after Fred Thompson withdrew. Romney reflects most closely those values that drew me to Fred in the first place. Since then, my feelings have intensified to a point that in addition to supporting Romney on the merits, I must admit that I must now state that in addition to being pro-Romney, I am decidedly anti McCain.

"Consider that during the Iowa Caucus, a wild and damaging rumor was out that Thompson was to fold and endorse McCain. Recall also that on primary day in South Carolina rumor was that Fred Thompson again was to fold and endorse McCain. I ask you, who would tell these lies and who stood to benefit?

"Then last weekend, it came to light that on the eve of the Florida primary, McCain told gross lies about Romney's position on the war. Since Romney's position is made very clear from several sources, but in particular a televised interview, which McCain cited in his remarks, it can only be concluded that McCain's deception was made knowingly and wilfully.

"Now some may say that this was a shrewd political maneuver, but I say it is dishonest,dishonorable and certainly not the sort of character we want in our leader.

"Straight Talk? The litany of deceptions and lies against Thompson when he was the man for McCain to beat; then the lies against Romney when he was the man to beat puts McCain in company with the Clintons, and isn't that what we are trying to rid our country of in the first place?

"McCain surely does not deserve our support as conservatives and seeing that just like the Clintons he'll stoop to any depths to get his way (while destroying the Republican party), he ought not get our support on the honesty issue.In this regard,he gets a dishonorable discharge.

"I cannot end without asking you again to give your support to Mitt Romney. Otherwise we are faced with Clinton or "Clinton-lite"


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