Thursday, January 31, 2008

Who Benefits from John Edwards WIthdrawal?

Former U.S. Senator from North Carolina, John Edwards has suspended his campaign for the Democrat Party's nomination for President of the United States. The press are all asking today: Who benefits from his withdrawal?


Senator Edwards could have been a very dangerous candidate in the general election. His base in the Carolinas had the potential to turn the electoral map on its ear. Republicans have relied on a solid south to win the White House. Edwards could have put that in play. He is charismatic and very articulate. While he did not garner enough insider support to win the nomination, he is clearly very capable of fooling a lot of people with his charm.

If nominated, he could have won. And that would have been a total disaster for the country. He is one of the leading global warming alarmists. He is the leader of the plaintiff's bar. While everyone deserves an attorney and injured people should be compensated when injured by the negligence of another, he stands for something different: Huge class actions that scare the daylights out of legitimate business and local government. Huge class actions and medical malpractice cases cause higher insurance rates, higher healthcare costs, higher taxes and yes, decreased civil rights.

He charmed the pants off of many a jury and could charm the pants off of the electorate in a general election. So, who benefits from his withdrawal: EVERYONE.

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