Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mitt Romney for President, by John Ginty

Mitt Romney for President
In the New Jersey Republican Primary, Tuesday, February 5, 2008

John P. Ginty
Chairman, Republicans for Conservative Leadership
January 31, 2008

Mitt Romney deserves the support of all dedicated New Jersey conservatives on February 5, 2008. If New Jersey conservatives rally to Romney’s cause, we can defeat John McCain and propel Romney towards the presidential nomination and victory next November. This is now a two-man race and conservatives and pro-lifers must make a decision: either support Romney now or allow McCain to coast to victory as conservative votes are split between Romney and uckabee. Huckabee cannot win, and he now solely exists to run interference for McCain and hinder Romney.

Please circulate this outline to friends and colleagues by email, in but one small effort to generate as much grassroots support as possible for Romney on Tuesday. Together, we can do our part to re-assemble the Reagan Coalition here in New Jersey. Romney is the only candidate at this point who can hold that coalition together.

Most of those reading this brief outline are familiar with the basic facts involved in the Republican primary race thus far, so the following is a summary of main points supporting the candidacy of Mitt Romney over McCain. The outline is not exhaustive. Several of these points are particular to those of us living in the Garden State.

Life Issues

Reasons to support Mitt Romney

· A recent convert to the pro-life cause, but sincere in his overtures to the pro-life movement and its members
· Opposes the unconstitutional “McCain-Feingold” law
· A pro-life candidate who will be open to further pro-life education concerning the embryonic stem cell research issue

Reasons to oppose John McCain

· McCain’s best political friends are leaders in the pro-abortion movement, such as Joe Lieberman, Ted Kennedy, Christie Whitman and Arlen Specter
· McCain sponsored the unconstitutional, infamous, phony McCain-Feingold “campaign finance” law, against the pleas of pro-life activists and other conservative grassroots groups
· Consistently campaigns for pro-abortion, liberal politicians such as Arlen Specter, Christie Whitman, and Arnold Schwarzenegger
· Senator Rick Santorum says that McCain consistently opposed bringing pro-life legislation to the Senate floor because he (McCain) believes that pro-life legislation is “too divisive”.
· Supports federal funding of embryonic stem cell research and is not open to compromise on the issue

The Courts

Reasons to Support Mitt Romney:

· Romney pledges to appoint justices to the US Supreme Court in the mold of Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalia

Reasons to oppose John McCain:

· Says he would not appoint a Supreme Court Justice like Samuel Alito because Alito “wears his conservatism his sleeve.”
· Leader in the infamous US Senate “Gang of 14” which joined seven liberal Democrats and seven liberal Republicans, including McCain, to obstruct President Bush’s ability to get up or down votes on judicial nominees on the floor of the US Senate

The War Against Radical Islam

Reasons to support Mitt Romney:

· Romney will keep the imprisoned terrorist thugs off US soil and in Guantanomo and other facilities outside of the territorial USA for as long as necessary
· Romney has pledged to win the war in Iraq, despite McCain’s phony charge that Romney favored “timetables to withdraw” US troops.

Reasons to oppose John McCain:

· McCain wants to close Guantanamo Bay prison
· McCain wants the terrorist detainees currently imprisoned at Guantanamo to be transported to US Territory where they will be provided with ACLU lawyers paid for by US taxpayers
· McCain has damaged US intelligence operations by self-righteously making a political issue out of “water boarding” and other interrogation methods
· Opposes military tribunals for Guantanamo detainees
· Wants the US taxpayer to provide expensive left-wing lawyers to assist all captured terrorist detainees
· McCain lies about Romney’s commitment to win the war in Iraq

Radical Environmentalism

Reasons to support Mitt Romney:

· Romney opposes Al Gore’s radical environmental agenda, which if implemented will damage the US economy
· Romney supports allowing US oil companies to explore for oil in the designated exploration areas in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

Reasons to oppose John McCain:

· McCain is allied with Al Gore and Rosie O’Donnell and has bought into the “Global Warming” scare
· McCain, together with his buddy and potential Secretary of Defense Joe Lieberman, supports federal government mandated “cap and trade” of CO2 emissions which will damage the US economy, kill US jobs, and accelerate China’s relative economic progress to the detriment of US workers
· McCain opposes drilling for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), even as the price of oil has reached and exceeded $100 per barrel

Big Government

Reasons to support Mitt Romney:

· Opposes McCain’s hare-brained anti-global warming schemes
· Opposes giving the UN control over the US economy via “Global Solutions” advanced by John McCain to the unproven “Climate change” phenomenon.

Reasons to oppose John McCain:

· Favors the UN-sponsored Kyoto Protocol limiting the generation of “greenhouse gases”, which will damage the US economy, slow US economic growth, destroy jobs in the name of phony pseudo-science, and endanger US national security


Reasons to support Mitt Romney:

· Pledges to make the Bush tax cuts permanent
· Supports making interest earnings and dividend income tax-free for middle class taxpayers
· Supports lowering capital gains taxes
· Supports abolition of the regressive “Death Tax”

Reasons to oppose John McCain:

· Voted against the Bush tax cuts in 2001 along with only one other Republican senator: Lincoln Chaffee
· Opposed repeal of the “Death Tax” in 2002
· Supported a $1.10 per pack cigarette tax hike sponsored by Democrat Tom Daschle in 1998

Conservative New Jersey Supporters of Mitt Romney

· Jay Webber - assemblyman
· Joe Kyrillos - state senator
· Guy Gregg - former state assemblyman
· Dick Kamin – former assemblyman
· Leonard Lance – state senator
· John Rooney – state assemblyman

Liberal New Jersey Supporters of John McCain

· Christie Whitman
· Tom Kean, Sr. – former governor
· Bill Baroni – state senator
· David Russo – assemblyman
· Bob Franks – former congressman and current Corzine buddy leading the charge to increase New Jersey’s debt by $40 BILLION with unlimited toll hikes over the next 75 years!

Illegal Immigration

Reasons to support Mitt Romney:

· Supports legal immigration and opposes McCain’s massive amnesty scheme for the 30 million illegals already in the USA
· Supports construction of the border security fence

Reasons to oppose John McCain:

· Sponsored the “McCain-Kennedy” amnesty law
· Opposes the border security fence


Romney's endorsements from conservative media and opposition from liberal media:

· Endorsed by National Review magazine
· Opposed by The New York Times

McCain's endorsements from liberal media:

· Endorsed by The New York Times
· Endorsed by both of Boston’s liberal newspapers

Wake Up, New Jersey!!!
For America, please support Gov. Mitt Romney in the New Jersey Republican Presidential Primary on Tuesday, February 5, 2008.

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