Monday, January 28, 2008

Fred's support is heading to Mitt!

While Fred didn't garner enough votes to stay in the race for the Republican nomination, there were nevertheless hundreds of thousands of Fred supporters nationwide. Based on my experience, these are strong, principled individuals who care about:

(a) small government
(b) appointment of strict constructionist jurists
(c) lower taxes
(d) strong national defense
(e) securing the borders
(f) family values

Once our standard bearer bowed out, we needed to find a home. The trend in the polling suggests that the preponderance of Fred supporters are heading to Team Mitt. Fred dropped out of the race last Monday. Since that time, Mitt has steadily risen in the Rasmussen Daily Tracking poll from third at 19% to a virtual tie for first with Senator McCain.

This is consistent with a private poll of likely primary GOP primary voters in New Jersey. Former Fred supporters were polled. Of those supporters, the most - 30% - were going to Mitt. Oddly enough, only 4% of former Fred supporters in NJ were going to go to Senator McCain.

So the anticipated matchup between the Rockefeller Republicans and the Reagan Republicans will be between John McCain and Mitt Romney.
He has surged ahead in

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