Tuesday, January 29, 2008

All Eyes on the Sunshine State

Heading into the finish line in the Sunshine State sweepstakes, the contenders are running neck and neck.

The polling data indicates that Gov. Huckabee has fallen out of contention for Florida's winner-take-all GOP primary. Indeed, he is campaigning in Georgia and other Super Tuesday states instead of campaigning in Florida.

The polling data also indicates that former frontrunner and inevitable nominee Mayor Rudy Giuliani has fallen out of the stakes. However, there are other indicators that he may still be in the hunt. He has a good organization in Florida, and has been campaigning as if his career depends on it (it does). The organizational aspect of the race is especially important in Florida because of the early voting. A strong grassroots effort can boost early voting numbers for a candidate. Rudy remains a darkhorse.

The race is probably between Mitt and McCain.

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